Every day it's a surprise to see what shows up at Advanced Recycling on Merriman. The recycling plant that specializes in metal and plastic recycling, opened for business in mid-May. According to its owner Michael Bassirpour they're the first metal recycling facility in Livonia.
"We buy metal from industrial accounts, manufacturing companies, local residents trying to clean up their garages, basements. We take electronics, all different types of metal bearing material. Everything gets recycled at our facility. We have a zero landfill policy."
We found one person dropping off scrap metal from Orin Jewelry in Garden City. He got about $10 for some old light fixtures.
People also came by with old electronics and all kinds of other items. Some walked away with thousands of dollars. Everything that ends up at Advanced Recycling is shredded, melted down and reused, keeping toxic chemicals out of the environment.
People actually recycle some pretty surprising things like a beat up, old snowmobile. It's staying out of a landfill and its owner got $50.
"We thumbprint the customers. We have a photo I. D. There's a picture of every single transaction. We're not the police, but we do our best to ensure we don't buy anything stolen."
Advanced Recycling is open 6 days a week. They say they pay some of the best prices in town.
Every day it's a surprise to see what shows up at Advanced Recycling on Merriman. The recycling plant that specializes in metal and plastic recycling, opened for business in mid-May. According to its owner Michael Bassirpour they're the first metal recycling facility in Livonia.
"We buy metal from industrial accounts, manufacturing companies, local residents trying to clean up their garages, basements. We take electronics, all different types of metal bearing material. Everything gets recycled at our facility. We have a zero landfill policy."
We found one person dropping off scrap metal from Orin Jewelry in Garden City. He got about $10 for some old light fixtures.
People also came by with old electronics and all kinds of other items. Some walked away with thousands of dollars. Everything that ends up at Advanced Recycling is shredded, melted down and reused, keeping toxic chemicals out of the environment.
People actually recycle some pretty surprising things like a beat up, old snowmobile. It's staying out of a landfill and its owner got $50.
"We thumbprint the customers. We have a photo I. D. There's a picture of every single transaction. We're not the police, but we do our best to ensure we don't buy anything stolen."
Advanced Recycling is open 6 days a week. They say they pay some of the best prices in town.