Companies involved in metal recycling transform these otherwise wasted resources into the raw materials, which fuel the manufacturing supply chain, supporting the world economy, trade and contribute to resource sustainability.
Part of a $65 billion industry, metal recyclers process ferrous metals, such as steel and iron—the most recycled metals - recovered from scrapped cars, appliances, buildings and bridges; non-ferrous metals, such as copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and lead that are found in various things, including building materials, to beverage containers, and in waste electronic equipment; and precious metals, such as - gold, silver and platinum, also found in electronic equipment and computers.
Metal recycling is a hi-tech industry industry that employs tens of thousands of employees to convert discarded metals into useful economic commodities.
Some of the Most Recycled Metal Products -
Metals can be recycled again and again to produce useful raw materials. Though all types of metals can be recycled, aluminum and steel are most recycled. Some of the most recycled aluminum and steel products are -
- Soda cans
- Appliances
- Auto parts
- Windows
- Doors
- Tin Cans
- Auto parts
- Bridge parts
- Appliances
- Torn-down buildings
Advantages of Metal Recycling
It makes sense to use recycling to convert discarded metal products into useful raw materials rather than continuously depleting the earth's natural resources. Some of the important advantages of metal recycling are -
- Less energy required to melt down a waste metal and recycle it than it does to produce new metal.
- Use of recycled metals reduces CO2 emissions and air pollution.
- Less land and water pollution.
- Decreases environmental damage caused by mining.
- Metals can be recycled over and over again.
- Metal recyclers pay you for your scrap.